Saturday, July 16, 2005

Fortune Cookies

Had Chinese for lunch today.
Broke open my fortune cookie.
"The best friend is a good mirror."

Hey! That's a little rude, depressing, Is God saying something about my lack of effort on my diet this last week? (deadline stress. I just run for the fridge--or the Border. :) ) Give me a break! Even the fortune cookies are telling me to lose weight? How do they KNOW? And for the record, Chinese food hasn't helped my situation any. So who are they to judge?

Read it again. "The best mirror is a good friend." AHHHH Now THAT makes sense.

Friends see us as we are. True friends love us, nurture us, cry with us, laugh with us, notice when we lost weight, but don't notice if we gain. Friends are to be cherished. I have been blessed with unbelievably faithful friends. I love them.

That's it today. That fortune cookie got me all friend-sappy. :)



Blogger Heather Diane Tipton said...

Awwww! I love how you view friends

July 16, 2005 11:19 PM  

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