Friday, September 09, 2005

Another Day

I wasn't crazy about how i left yesterday so I decided to write again and hopefully not bum you out. Today I thought I'd stay in and finish up a rewrite, but as it turned out the print company I use will be closed tomorrow and i needed to get over there today. I leave for Nashville on MONDAY! I can't believe it. Things are coming together. I had to buy a suitcase today. I told the lady in the luggage store to find me a humongous one on wheels so I only have to take one suitcase and my laptop bag. I still have nightmares of running through Denver's dadgum airport last year thinking I'd missed my flight because of those long lines. anyone remember Denver's airport???? Thank God I had Elizabeth with me or I'd have probaby just ended up in a fetal position sucking my thumb while people walked over me. Plus the flight was delayed at the last second because theywere missing a microphone or something to communicate with the tower. Elizabeth and I decided God had worked that out for us.
I'm getting excited. I tried on clothes from last year and some of them still fit. I bought some mix and match items and got my hair done. And tomorrow I'm going to get my nails done. :) I'm turning into a girly girl.

Well, off to spend some time with the kids. Must finish this rewrite of CLAIRE 2 by Sunday night. Must pack, still have a few things to pick up....

Lots to get done. Will definitely be worth it


Blogger Lynette Sowell said...

Tracey! Looking forward to seeing you, Chris, Rachel, etc. :)
Have a good trip... ~Lynette

September 11, 2005 9:06 PM  

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