From a girl on Vacation...
Finished Straight Up yesterday. Man, Lisa Samson delivered HUGELY in the end. I'm serious. I know I'm a little scary in my love for this woman's writing. But please believe me. She's the best writer out there. And I know TONS of writers who are really good. Lisa is better than good. She's truly one of the greats and I want to see her on the NYTimes best seller list so I can say..."Whad I tell ya? Was I right, or what?" Right now I'm reading Calm, Cool, and Adjusted by Kristin Billerbeck, another of my favorite writers--definitely my favorite chicklit writer comparable to Sophie Kinsella, but also a good friend, so I feel a little fraudulant to sing her praises the way I can someone like Lisa, who I barely know. But let's just say, Poppy is my favorite of the Spa Girls so I'm totally loving the book. Kristin has a real in your face honesty that I respect and love. Whether I'm reading a post from her over a writer's loop or reading it in her books. You just have to love someone who isn't afraid to be real. I'm rethinking my decision to read The Kite Runner, though. It's a little too much for me right now. PLUS guess what I found that I've had for over a year that got lost in my moving shuffle? WOMEN'S INTUITION by ta-da Lisa Samson. So I'm stoked. But first i have to go shopping. Although I'm thinking about waiting until after 11pm when folks are winding down. Thank God for a 24 hour walmart in a town of 20 thousand people. Most of us are hicks who rise and retire according to the sun and roosters. Well, not me. I rise at 11am and go to bed at 4am. But I AM a writer and when else amd I supposed to write? Well, off to do other things. I LOVE vacation. I should have done this years ago. :) OH except I started working out with a trainer this week, so I'm pretty grumpy about the pain, but it'll get better. PEACE.
A trainer? You go girl!
I'm going to have to read Sraight Up! Sounds wonderful.
okay, I wanna know when you read Women's Intuition... I want to know what you think. That's my favorite of Lisa's books! so wait... am I fraudulant to sing Lisa's praises because she's a good friend? LOL
I love Kristin's books too. She's totally my fav chicklit writer. (um, I've never read yours! LOL)
wow a trainer! I'm impressed!
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