Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hello hello hello!

I have GOT to figure out why I can't do separate paragraphs on this blog. It makes no sense. It's like return doesn't work. Oh well....bear with me. Back to work part time for me. Work gives me such a sense of well-being. Like there's a point. I'd love to be inside the heads of people who aren't workaholics and find out where they get their good vibes. I don't think one is better than the other, just different. On Tuesday the kids are back to school and I'm back to a full schedule. yippee. We went to see Night at the Museum last night. Took my four kids, Rusty and me of course and one girlfriend (15 yo boy's) and one sorta boyfriend (17 yo daughter's). Fun night. FUN MOVIE. Go see it. Ate too much popcorn though. I could never work in a theatre. I've been reading Calm, Cool, and adjusted by Kristin Billerbeck. The best of the Spa Girls IMO. Although I sort of hate when people tell me This is the BEST one....when talking about my books. It's all so subjective. Anyway, today it's raining outside. Perfect day to kick back, finish Kristin's book and gear up for a busy day tomorrow. HAPPY NEW YEAR all. 2007....I thought sure the apocalypse would have happened by now. 2010? :)


Blogger Rachel Hauck said...

Happy New Year! I saw Dreamgirls last night. Interesting. I heard Museum was funny.

Happy New Year.


December 30, 2006 3:36 PM  

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