Sunday, September 02, 2007

My Son and the latte

Well, I said when I had something relevant to say I would...
Today is Sunday, I'm on a writing marathon to finish up my current book and turn it in on Tuesday.
If you've never spent three days in a chair typing, you can imagine how much pain you feel in all of your muscles. Every muscle aches.
But that's not what's relevant today. I choose this life and i LOVE it and let's face it if I didn't push deadline so much and could suddenly develop a more even personality I wouldn't have to deal with thse crazy marathons. however... Rome wasn't built in a day, and to be honest, Probably still wouldn't be built if I'd been the one that had to do it.

So I'm writing away, loving my story, to be honest but starting to feel a little sorry for myself when my son knocks on my door. My sweet sixteen year old son brought me a small vanilla latte from Starbucks, hugged me, and left me alone so I could go back to work.

Okay, I don't want to say it's because he's grounded from his phone and wants it back. I prefer to believe (and I have no reason not to) that his love for me prompted this wonderful kind act on his part.

I'm just saying....


Blogger Janelle said...

LOL. I love your kid! And I would love to think that if we had a Starbucks anywhere nearby, my son would do the same thing. And my son WANTS a cell phone and I believe if he thought it would have any pull, he'd run right out and get me a latte. LOL.

September 03, 2007 8:22 PM  
Blogger Rachel Hauck said...

Tracey, what a great son!

I can so relate to 3 days in the chair writing and not moving. I'm with you! Praying all went well today!

Love, Rachel

September 04, 2007 5:31 PM  

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