Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I've had a week of correction, here. The issue of authority is hard for me. Not taking authority, but submitting to it. Especially in the church. Too much baggage.

Anyone else watching John Bevere on Joyce Meyer this week?
The neatest thing I learned (and should have already known) is the difference between obedience and submission.

Obedience--the willful action
Submission--attitude of the heart

It's the classic, "be willing and obedient" issue that we read about in the old testament.

How many times do our kids obey because they are forced to, but their crappy attitude while they obey says it all? How much better would we like it if they smiled and said, "Dear mother, of course I would love to do the dishes, because I love you so much and I know you're worn out from taking care of my needs every second of the day. It's my privledge and honor to obey you in this matter and here, let me also take out the garbage while I'm at it. And would you like a cup of tea?"

BACK TO REALITY. God is forever watching me be obedient with a frown and a heart of resentment. I'm praying today for peace and grace to be obedient and willing. And boy is this a hard prayer. I'm in servanthood 101. Last week I was scrubbing a bathtub for someone who is having trouble getting around due to injury. Honestly, I was ticked. Not at the lady, but at her son whom I felt should be doing this work for her. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, "Be a servant of ALL" OUCH. We don't get to choose how we serve God. We just get to choose if we do it or not.

So there's my lesson for the week.
Oh I wish I were more faithful to this Lord I love so much.


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