Saturday, April 12, 2008

A tagline

Hi all,
I've been reading a lot about mission statements. EVERYONE has a mission statement. I have always been a little envious of people who knew exactly what they wanted to write and what their writing was about. I guess I've always been one to learn by mistakes.
For the last few weeks, I've been pondering, praying, musing about what I truly want to write. And basically I realized that almost all of my books whether historical or comedy have things in common. My characters have real problems, my issues are current and relevant. Even my last historical had addiction in it. And the answer is always Jesus. I believe God gave me my tagline this week. Finally, after 40 books on the market, over 900K copies sold, I finally have a concrete mission statement or tagline...

To Mirror the Human Heart
To Reveal the Human Condition
To Offer the Only Answer

This will be my criteria from now on when I sit down to write.


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