Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I've never really taken time to do shoutlife, Shefari, and myspace. No time, and haven't cared. BUT, since I've been taking my summer sabbatical, I've joined facebook and I LOVE it. I mean super duper love it. So I hereby challenge everyone to get a facebook account and add me as your friend. I promise I'll accept.
This is such a great way to branch out in community. Some of my friends like LIanne Lopes and Rachel Hauck are so good at networking. I'm super bad at it. But Facebook is fun and I think easier to understand than the others. :)

Just sayin'....


Blogger Rachel Hauck said...

Facebook is better because you're there!

Love, Rachel ;)

July 31, 2008 8:55 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

Well, its about time! I almost (almost but not really) offered to set you up a myspace & facebook a yr or so ago.
This makes me happy :)

August 03, 2008 1:08 AM  

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