Getting Over Myself
Today I read Phil. 2:3 (New Living Translation because KJV makes my eyes cross) Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others.(OH OUCH. In this business…???? Are you kidding me, God? Okay, Lord, I only want to impress you. Really. ) Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. (Again….In THIS business???) Don’t only think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing.
Here’s what I love about my pastors. They live this scripture. They aren’t a bit impressed with me. Know why I love that about them? Because my value hasn’t changed as my tithe went up, my visibility in publishing went up, my confidence went up. To them, I am who I am. I always felt important to them and it never has had ONE thing to do with my career, even with a growing congregation of 400 members (go visit the website and meet my pastor, he’s awesome I know they love me individually and care about my soul prospering. Okay, enough pastor gush. I have to go work. Can I encourage you today to seek out someone who needs to be noticed? Set aside your own desperate needs—and I know they are valid—and let God use you to love someone else.
Peace out