Hey folks!
My good friend Rachel Hauck has a book releasing the very same day as Defiant Heart!! How awesome is that?
Rachel is featuring my book and I'm featuring hers. Check this out!!! There will be a drawing for two free books. So get your name in there to win Diva NashVegas!
I'm completely inept at all things website, and I can't get the photograph to work. So visit www.rachelhauck.com to see her pretty face. :)
Q: Tell us about Diva NashVegas.
A: Diva NashVegas is the story of country superstar, Aubrey James. The daughter of Gospel Music pioneers, she rockets to fame in the shadow of their tragic death in a car accident. Aubrey is a very real, imperfect heroine who realizes after a decade of reigning the country charts, she’s a long way from the faith of her childhood. This book is about her honest and sometimes humorous journey back to the Father.
Writing a superstar heroine was hard at times. A writer friend asked me, “So, how’s the story coming?”
I said, “Tough, I’ve never been a country diva.”
But with the help of Music Row professionals, and a lot of true superstar biographies, I was able to create Aubrey’s larger-than-life persona. At the end of the book, I loved her as a character and as a friend.
Readers will also meet quirky, funny, sincere Scott Vaughn, the man who interviews Aubrey for her first ever exclusive interview.
Diva NashVegas will touch you, make you laugh out loud, and on occasion, tear up.
Q: Where does your inspiration come from?
A: I love to write. Inspiration is easy, really. Look around. The world is full of inspiration. For example, I was watching a PBS special on Elvis Presley one night. As I watched him perform and interact with the crowd, I thought, “What if there was a young woman at one of Elvis’s concerts who received one of his coveted scarves. What is she doing now, thirty-five years later? And a story idea was born. The hard part is sitting down and writing it out, working the story through, developing the characters.
Q: What do you want readers to take away from Diva NashVegas?
A: God is a God of second, third, fourth, fifth chances. If we don’t give up, neither will He. Aubrey made some bad decision in her life, but when she realized she didn’t want a life with out God, she returned to her faith and found her Father waiting for her.
I’d like readers to take away hope. I’d like them to understand sometimes the key to our future is by healing and forgiving our past.
And, as always, I’d love for readers to end the book feeling like they’ve made a friend along the way.
Q: When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
A: Age ten. [smile] The standard writer answer, I think. I wrote an impressive poem in fourth grade and my father saw something in it or me that told him I was a writer. For years, it’s what he communicated to me. He spoke destiny into my life by telling me I was a writer. Along the way I had others do the same – published novelists and professors.
Note from Rachel:
Hi all,
Thanks for stopping by Tracey’s site. Hope over to www.rachelhauck.com and read about Tracey and Defiant Heart!
Then go over to Amazon.com and make a couple of great book buys!
Leave a comment on my site and you’ll be eligible to win a $25 gift card to Starbucks or $25 to Barnes & Noble
Blessings! Rachel